Tuesday, 1 January 2019

The great king part II

Good morning, welcome, and happy new year. We shall continue with the story of the great king we started last week.
In an attempt at influencing the opinion of the members of the jury domiciled in its kingdom, some kings and kingdom representatives try to buy their (the jury's) integrity. Efforts at bending the will of jury sometimes if channeled into training the princes and princesses are enough at making them envy. Some don’t even bother about the welfare of the children. While some kings decide to send wayward children to other provinces or kingdoms. This obviously never worked for any of such because no kingdom will want any stranger or visitor to rubbish her hard work. Few kings went for what the ancient script says: train up a child in the ways of the Lord and when he is old he shall never depart from it. They first isolated the children and put them under rigorous training in schools, churches under the careful watch of trusted missionaries until they attain a certain age.
There was a certain king who went as far as setting up a committee to choose a girl of noble birth, an epitome of beauty and paragon of virtue as a wife for his son. To him, the foundation of the child begins with the mother alongside all other training. Years later, that same kingdom became the greatest. Then afterward, it became the duty of the state to select the girl for the prince and see how she becomes the prince's favorite. Winning thereafter became their tradition.
Here are some nuggets gave by an elder in building a great company:
1)      As long as you keep doing the fundamental thing that made you great, you will never slip from greatness;
2)      Any situation such as poor sales, poor growth is an indication or reflection of a course, find it and trash it;
3)      On a few occasions, symptoms themselves must be dealt with; poor sales maybe because the sales manager is not good at his work;
4)      Identify the fundamental issue of why things are not working;
5)      Be ready to embrace the truth however ugly it may be;
6)      Great result don’t emerge by once-in-a-while good decision, consistency is the key;
7)      Chaos to order, order to growth;

Until next time when we shall meet with a fresh episode, don’t forget to always rule your world.

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