Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The truth shall set you free

The ancient script says: you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Truth is the correct, undiluted and unalloyed state of any situation which remain valid regardless of age, race, culture, personality and geographical location. A great leader is known and honored the same way in Nigeria, United states, England, Germany, Israel, China etc. Different people may have different perspective of the truth but there is always only one truth pertaining to any situation. It is only the few who accept this truth and work on it that it sets free. Hence it is only the truth you act upon that sets one free not the one that you fold your arms.
We can find an example of embracing and working on the truth in these two companies: Atlantic and Pacific company (otherwise known as A&P) and Kroger company. Both companies are into retail sales. In the first half of the twentieth century when two world wars and equally depression eat deep into America, every citizen spent with frugality. But in the second half of the century, the economy became better. People can afford expensive things with ease and America completely changed. Majority if not all wanted bigger and nicer stores, they want to make variety of choices.
A&P stock to the old way of doing things, selling cheap things with frugality while Kroger tried and started evolving. Both companies had the same feedback (which is the truth) but only Kroger really responded to the dynamics and embraced change. The result was self-evident Kroger attained a cumulative returns ten times the market and eithy times higher than A&P.
Here are some tidbits that an elder told me will help me live the truth I know:
1)         Your environment, the house you live, the people you associate with etc. is a perfect reflection of your life;
2)         Time is more important than money --- Jim Rohn;
3)         Results don’t lie;
4)         In real world, results may not be as accurate and fast as Mathematics;
5)         The faster you respond to feedbacks, the easier the process of change --- Gideon Ebelebe.
Till next time when we shall be meeting with a fresh episode, don’t forget to always rule your world.

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