Thursday, 26 September 2013

WEALTH CREATION: is Bill Gates a thief?

Wealth is the state of being rich, it may not only be in monetary form but most time those with other forms of wealth other than money often end up as moneybags. Prior to the invention of money around seventh to sixth century BC trade by barter was the accepted market medium of transaction. Up until now trade  by barter still exist; currency only ease this exchange process. The famous American philosopher Jim Rohn said what you have at the present you have attracted to yourself by who you become.
How do we become a person of value? How can we create market worth that can attract wealth into our lives is the major assignment everybody tries to unravel. This is the puzzle Bill Gates solved that made him the richest [and legitimate owner of wealth] man on planet today. Bellow are 6 steps I think can help us in achieving our dream:

1] Read great books:
you are what you eat does not only apply to body heath but also to our soul. Man becomes what he think or focuses on all day long, hence focus on wealth and how to create it then you become successful.  It has been said that success live clues, rich men across ages has been studied and their experiences documented ; hence the price of any book cannot equate it.

2] Set goals:
a lot have been written about this, get book like those written by Brian Tracy.

3] Mentor:
Expert are said to be those who have made all the mistakes in a narrow field, don't repeat the process learn from them. A good thing about this is that they are willing to show people with pride how resilient and smart they were before they get to their present peak.

4] Get uncomfortable:
Comfort is one of the greatest enemy of success.

5]Solve peoples problems

6]Do what you love

Finally these processes requires time; it doesn't happen overnight. You must have the courage [got] to see it to the end. In the interim you may be seen as a fool. Don't forget what Steve Jobs said : 'Be foolish and be hungry'.
I will also appreciate your comments on how to create wealth. See you next time

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